Television set Kors Holdings Now Covered by Industry analysts at Credit Suisse (KORS)

Industry analysts at Credit Suisse assumed plan on shares of Michael Kors phone case Holdings (NASDAQ: KORS) in a inquiry report issued to clients as well as , investors on Tuesday, TheFlyOnTheWall. possuindo reports. The firm set a new “outperform” rating and a $107. 00 price target on the stock. Credit score rating Suisse’s target price points to any upside of 12. 19% of one’s stock’s previous close.

Michael Kors iPhone 5 Case Macys Americana

Shares most typically associated with michael by Michael Kors Holdings (NASDAQ: KORS) opened at 95. 37 from Tuesday. Michael Kors Holdings contains a one year low of $56. merely and a one year high of $101. 2008. The stock has a 50-day move average of $93. 07 even a 200-day moving average of $89. 4. The company has a market restrict of $19. 420 billion even a price-to-earnings ratio of 29. 23.

Michael Kors Holdings (NASDAQ: KORS) last released its earnings personal data on Wednesday, May 28th. The organization reported $0. 78 earnings an share (EPS) for the quarter, busting the consensus estimate of $0. 68 by $0. 10. The organization had revenue of $917. 60 million for the quarter, compared to the complete estimate of $816. 51 thousand thousand. During the same quarter in the previous 12, the company posted $0. 50 paychecks per share. The company’s returns for the quarter was up 53. 6% on a year-over-year basis. Industry analysts expect that Michael Kors Coopération will post $3. 97 EPS for the current fiscal year.

KORS has been the subject of a number of new recent research reports. Analysts over Zacks reiterated an “outperform” mark on shares of Michael Kors Holdings in a research note from Thursday, June 5th. They now excellent $103. 00 price target using the stock. Separately, analysts at Janney Montgomery Scott raised their price level target on shares of Television set Kors Holdings from $121. 00 to $122. 00 in a inquiry note on Thursday, May twenty ninth. They now have a “buy” rating using the stock. Finally, analysts at Buckingham Research raised their price sufferer on shares of Michael Kors Holdings from $112. 00 to positively $118. 00 in a research banknote on Thursday, May 29th. Now they have a “buy” rating on the cars. One investment analyst has sitting the stock with a sell mark, five have assigned a conduct rating, sixteen have assigned the perfect buy rating and one has revealed a strong buy rating to the company’s stock. The stock presently contains a consensus rating of “Buy” as well as , an average target price of $105. 2008.

Michael Kors Holdings Limited has been a global lifestyle brand. The Company features, materials and craftsmanship with a jet-set aesthetic that combines stylish decorative touches and a sporty attitude.

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